Pricey homes on large, forrested lots, great schools.

The Neighbors: Because of the higher price points in North-North Raleigh, there are lots of professionals. However, there are lots of retired folks and business owners, as well as academics and those that prefer not to have neighbors within arms reach.

What to Expect: Bigger forested lots, great schools, Falls Lake State Recreation Park.

The Lifestyle: North-North Raleigh is all about privacy. It’s easy enough to get to know people at lacrosse practice or taikwando, but you probably won’t know your neighbors. It’s a fairly active area and people tend to have nicer cars, probably because they spend more time in them just getting in and out of the area.

You'll Fall in Love with: If having space to store your RV and naked gardening are important, then North-North Raleigh in the place to be.

More about North North Raleigh:

While I’m totally making up the name of this distinctive part of the Triangle, it is more than just an geographic extension of the North Raleigh community. Because of watershed restrictions related to Fall Lake, the city of Raleigh does not provide utility services to homes located north of Strickland Road. As a result, the homes in this roughly 31 square mile area have been built on acre-plus lots, with well and septic systems. Think privacy and sweeping front yards, and of course lots and lots of large trees.

The Neighborhoods

There are a few gated communities in this part of the Triangle, like The Barony, Linville, Barclay Manor, and Adams Mountain and several others that offer homes in the one to three million dollar range. Other recognizable neighborhoods include Stonebridge, Coachman’s Way, Banbury Woods, and Black Horse Run which are more affordable and provide privacy and space to stretch out your lifestyle.

Bounded by Falls Lake to the North, Falls of the Neuse Road to the West, Wake Expressway (I540) to the South and Leesville Road to the West.